

Maryss's mission is multi-faceted. With an entrepreneurial focus on businesses and industries she cares deeply about, such as nutrition, longevity, health and wellness, and the arts in general, she is equally focused on larger, humanitarian issues such as environmental protection, animal rights, and education.

Through her influence, business ownership, and philanthropy, she has impacted and improved lives from all over the world, and although her career has spanned nearly two decades, she knows she is just getting started.


We all share one home

“What fascinates me most about the Earth is how interconnected everything is. Whether it’s a plant coevolved with its pollinator, the boom/bust cycles of predator and prey, or migration routes and wind patterns, we are all part of the same planetary ecosystem. And it is our job to treat it with love.”

— Maryss from Paris


Previous Business Ventures

In late 2011, after a decade-long career as a successful dancer & choreographer, Maryss decided to give back to the community that helped foster her. She created HomeForDancers as a way to allow dancers from all over the world to travel to Los Angeles and have a place to stay that they could rent short-term, live comfortably with other like-minded dancers, and save money so they could focus on improving their craft and careers. In 2017 she became the CEO of Debbie Reynolds Legacy Studios, one of the largest and most historic dance studios in the world.